Part 20: Sun, Sand, Summers
Part 18: Sun, Sand, Summers

We hiked through the snow, past Stonehenge, and back to Dr. Andonuts' lab.

He immediately went off to a nearby table and began tinkering with something, more or less oblivious to us.

We climbed back into the silver craft and lifted through the skylight of the lab. The snowy white expanse of Winters was an inspiring sight below us...

...but it quickly gave way to sandy beaches and a harbor town loaded with boats.

The Sky Runner swooped down and hovered over the beach.

The Sky Runner crashed into the sand, splitting apart at the seams. Fortunately, we weren't very high off the ground, so we weren't hurt. We emerged from the wreckage as the gently lapping waves already began to carry the scrapped pieces of the craft out to sea.

The inhabitants of Summers, we would quickly learn, were extremely laid back. None of them seemed to notice or care that we had just crash-landed in what looked to be a UFO.

They were all more preoccupied with something, or nothing, as the case may be.

Of course, Summers was more than just a beach. A little more, at least. There were upscale restaurants...

...a fancy hotel...

...Hostile street signs...

...and a mysterious building labeled the 'Stoic Club' whose door was locked.

At the edge of the beach, yellowed clay houses made up the port town of Toto, where gruff sailors congregated and set sail across the sea.

The sailors seemed to be superstitious about a town called Scaraba that was across the sea. I remembered what Monotoli had said, about the forces from the Mani Mani statue wanting to keep us away from the Pyramid, and realized that we needed to get to Scaraba and investigate.

It was the same all over Toto, none of the sailors would leave out of fear of the Kraken.

The captain turned away, lost in thought.

Asking around town, we learned that the only way to get in the Stoic Club was to call them first-you couldn't just walk in the door.

I ran next door to a drugstore and put a coin in the pay phone.

This time, the Stoic Club's doors opened and we were let inside. A handful of people sat at tables, sipping water from tall glasses. The murmur of conversations filled the room. A small stage took up the back wall, but instead of a band or a microphone, a large, gray rock sat in the center of the stage, a spotlight illuminating it.

She hurried out of the bizarre Stoic Club, and, not wanting to get caught up in any more 'intellectual' discussions, we soon followed. Strolling along the beach, we eventually came across a cart manned by the captain's wife, who was looking very happy indeed.

She handed me a little pink cake on a paper plate. I broke it into thirds to share with Jeff and Paula, then took a big bite.

The last thing I remember seeing was the Magic Cake saleslady's face, grinning and beaming like the bright Summers sun, as the world swirled pink and my vision faded to black.

Heh. Poo.

This is so weird. I'm dreaming, but this seems familiar somehow.

A city floating on pink clouds...somehow, it feels like home.

Heh heh.

Man, my subconscious must really love poop jokes. Ha ha ha.

Hey, Poo, you'd better call Apple Kid.

People who train here must first clear everything from their mind. If you can make your mind blank and learn the true meaning of 'Mu', you'll pass through. Mu is Mu...

He turned into a tornado and flew away...This is such a weird dream. What was in that magic cake anyway? I hope Jeff and Paula didn't eat them too...

Wait a minute...

Poo...Hadn't Talah Rama said something about Poo...?

The fourth member of our group...It's him.

Poo's eyes remained shut tight as the girl pleaded with him to leave. Eventually, she gave up and left. I felt something sinister coming from the girl...Perhaps Poo felt the same way. Suddenly the world went black.

Paralyzed with terror, I watched as the spirit sank down over Poo's body.

I was shocked to hear a young voice rise defiantly, as if coming from my own mouth, out of the darkness.

A blow from the spirit suddenly knocked Poo to the ground, where he lay, breathing deeply. I felt a horrible pain in my legs. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't.

What kind of horrible training was this? Once again, I could only watch as phantom forces tore Poo's arms off and flung them into the blackness that filled my vision. Poo merely laid there, seemingly deep in meditation. I was unable to move or speak. I was just along for the ride, it seemed.

The soft blowing of the wind and the echo of Poo's answer were suddenly cut off as the spirit robbed Poo of his hearing. I shuddered as the spirit suddenly spoke directly to my mind.

Poo's answer rang out in my consciousness as if it was a thought formed in my own mind.

With that, the spirit vanished and the world was reduced to black. I couldn't even see Poo's body lying all but dead in the darkness. Again, the spirit spoke to my (our?) minds.

Without warning, the darkness lifted, and I saw Poo sitting on the mountaintop, uninjured. So...had it all been an illusion? Had it taken place in my mind? Or Poo's mind?

I watched as Poo journeyed back to the palace. I could only ponder what was going on in his mind at that time.

Suddenly, Poo began to spin like a tornado. I realized what he was doing as he sped off, his body fading into nothingness. He was teleporting, just like the monkeys had taught me to. The palace faded from my view and my vision became a blinding white light.

My eyes fluttered open and I was staring up into the shining sun of Summers. Jeff and Paula were standing over me. As they helped me to my feet, I grabbed my baseball cap off the beach where it had fallen.

Speeding out of nowhere, Poo dug his heels in, scorching twin black trails in the peaceful white sands of the Summers beach. Screeching to a halt, he walked calmly up to us. Paula and Jeff looked shocked.

I noticed them both stifling a laugh at that, and I admit I had to watch myself. I wondered if we'd eventually get used to it.

Poo bowed deeply. I shook my head, feeling the last cobwebs of my strange dream vision fade away. So this was it. The chosen four, gathered together at last.

Next time: Bribery, jealousy, and a terrible, terrible odor! Don't miss it!